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Insights #1: Premium vs. Free-to-Play Games


Insights #1: Premium vs. Free-to-Play Games

We are making great progress with the development of our game Shooting Stars and as this progress continues we have to face lots of different challenges every day. Many of those challenges have minor impact on how to play the game or how the game looks like and most of this decisions can be even changed later without much fuss. But unfortunately, life isn't just a colorful world with Rainbow Unicorns singing Eminems Slim Shady in a beautifully weird honkytonk-ish mashup. We have to face major decisions too, like going Free-to-Play or premium which will radically change the complete game.

For this reason we have decided to share some of our decisions and challenges with you and most importantly why we are going that way. Don't expect this series to be too regularly, but whenever something important comes up we'll let you know. 

Free-to-Play vs. Premium Mobile Games

If you are a regular visitor on our Blog you may have already stumpled upon the fact that this is our first game as a team. So we try not to rush things and instead learn as much as possible to make rational decisions based on our core mission to save mobile gaming.

Ever since we have started with the development of Shooting Stars we had one question in mind: Free-to-Play or Premium? And after endless discussions we came to a point that the perfect fit for Shooting Stars is to become a Premium title. But how did we come to this conclusion?

Our Situation

First things first – the bigger picture: We are a small studio of three people with limited funds and a time box of six months to create (the worlds best) mobile game. Even though this is our first game as a team and the short period of six months, we are confident to do an outstanding job – especially the great feedback we receive on our first prototype (Mitch) proofs us right.

Why Premium instead of Free-To-Play?

If we fade out the needs of our target group, Free-To-Play makes total sense from a financial point of view – and our game would easily allow some cool InApp extensions. In our case, we could add new enemy celebrities, items, attacks, skins, ... every month. We have to change the overall gameplay to balance the In-App-Purchases but we may be able to establish a system with an constant income stream. To keep it short and simple: income is always a good thing and a constant income stream is even better! 

In theory, to implement a system like this sounds super easy.  (I imagine that everyone who reads this secretly wants to slap me in the face) – but even though it may not be that hard to implement Free-To-Play mechanics, there is a lot of overhead to consider. We need to define the Free-To-Play mechanics. We have to design and implement additional interfaces. We need to setup, test and maintain all the possible In-App-Purchases and the technical handling for two platforms. And most importantly, we need to balance those In-App-Purchases. Based on our assumptions, all this together will consume most of the time.

On top of that, we don't want to hide the fact that we are lacking Free-to-Play monetization knowledge. We don't want to start with a risky experiment in a field where we have not enough experience yet. 

Going premium allows us to solely focus on gamedesign & gameplay mechanics, arts, UI/UX, sound design, the overall story and a solid polishing job – not to forget to mention all the side jobs like planning a marketing campaign for the game. 

Another very important event, which gave us a huge confidence boost about our decision, was Apples promotion of Games without In-App-Purchases within the AppStore and we hope that over the course of the next months, Apple will expand that "category" further.

Furthermore, the setup of our game will be an action packed – meme-ified – pixel art – roguelike – shoot 'em up, where we are able to selectively narrow down the target audience to a mixture of various niches. This allows us to focus our marketing efforts on fewer channels without the need to tackle mainstream media in the first place.

Pricing of Shooting stars?

We haven't decided yet on what the final price for Shooting Stars will be. But we will let you know as soon as possible. In the meantime, there is an excellent read on Gamasutra about this

your opinion on Premium vs. Free-to-Play?

We would love to hear your opinion on Premium vs. Free-To-Play. What are your thoughts when it comes to Premium, Freemium, F2P? If you are a Gamedev yourself, tell us how have you handled this decision.


The Bloodirony Games 101


The Bloodirony Games 101

In order to make to make the start of Bloodirony Games as smooth and clear as possible we gathered up the most frequent questions and compiled a little FAQ/Bloodirony 101.

What is Bloodirony Games

We are a small Vienna based game studio fully dedicated to creating mobile indie games. Our heart beats for music, food, mobile technology and most importantly for unicorns. The ultimate goal of our mission to eradicate boredom is nothing less than to save mobile gaming. To find more about us visit our About Page.

Who we are

We are three guys from Vienna, Austria following our big bad bearded boss Michael into the darkest depths of gaming.

Since I've already mentioned Michael let's start with him: 
Michael Hartinger aka. asebist was a senior developer and SCRUM Master at a huge Austrian financial institute doing super secret stuff he's not allowed to talk about. If he does... you know the drill. He is mostly taking care of the Bloodirony business, gamedesign and all project management related stuff. He is a proud father of two wonderful boys. A perfect homemaker and most probably the biggest Blizzard, Nintendo and Vlambeer fan alive.

Alexander Haider aka. haidelbert is our master chief developer. He was working with Michael at the same financial institute. As far as I can imagine he was working on the same secret stuff as Michael did. But at this point I'm too afraid to ask. Nevertheless Alex is a problem solver. Whatever needs to be done will be done in a timely manner, no matter how complex the problem is. Whenever Alex is not at the office he might enjoy a concert or can be found absorbed in tactical multiplayer shooters like the Battlefield franchises that he deeply loves. 

Stefan Malzner aka. adlk (even though my Twitter handle might says something different) I'm a graphic designer and frontend developer hybrid and I take care of the overall look & feel of our games. As I am a startup founder myself, I'm not afraid to try new things and to improvise to reach my goals. I'm a hobby chef and huge burger lover always looking for new burger joints or better recipes be able to prepare the holy grail of burgers sometime in the near future. Oh, and I consider myself a Dota 2 noob. 

Over the course of next few weeks we will update you with more introductory details about us and shock you with the occasional dirty detail on the world or Bloodirony Games. 

Why are we doing this

The better questions is: Why aren't you?

We are creating games because we simply love to. Ever since we were young, we spent endless hours in front of our gaming devices and completely lost track of time. How often have you dreamt of creating your own game? Thanks to the never ending technological progress being made, it has never been easier to develop your own games – especially for individuals or small teams with a limited budget. At this point I think it's appropriate to say thanks to ecosystems like the App Stores and technologies like Unity. 

In times nearly everyone owns a smartphone we're able to play thousands of different games by just downloading them to our device. It has never been easier to share content and to compete with friends. It doesn't matter wether we are on our daily commute to work or bored to death in the waiting room at the doctor's office, we can play the games we like without any limitations – most of those games are even free (-ish).

But here's the main issue:
We are totally aware that free2play games make a lot of sense from a business point of view and we don't have any problem with free2play games in general. Especially in mobile gaming, however, the latest trend is to spend huge amounts of money on so-called "monetization managers" who optimize the shit out of a game to increase revenue by completely ignoring the needs and wants of the gamers. It's about getting someone hooked on a game and to nickel and dime this person who probably hasn't even developed a real understanding for the concept of money yet and doesn't understands what's really happening behind all of that. In the end, it's much more about making shareholders instead of gamers happy.

So why are we doing this?
We believe that (mobile-) games are ment to be fun and are ment to make people happy, no matter if it's a premium or free2play title. No one should be forced to buy InApp upgrades just to be able to finish the game or being able to compete with their friends. We want to create exactly those kinds of games we want to play ourselves. 

From a much more personal point of view, I can assure you that every time I've bought something like in-game currency to speed things up, the progress I've made wasn't satisfying anymore and I almost immediately lost interest.

You are talking about saving mobile gaming. Are you diluted?

Even though Austria has a broadly established drinking culture, right now we're completely sober. And we are totally aware of how bold or arrogant this may sound. Well, seems about time to clear up some things. 

Last spring, one of our idols, Markus 'Notch' Persson, posted the following tweet: 

"Could someone please save mobile gaming already? Kids are growing up being used to this, and they're doing it intentionally."

Michael was so inspired by this tweet and at the same time so frustrated with the free2play development that he wasn't able to wait any longer to fulfill his lifelong dream of creating video games.

Here is how I imagine things happened on April 26:

Notch: Can someone please save mobile gaming already?
Michael: Sure dude, challenge accepted!

We are completely aware of the fact that we won't save mobile gaming alone. But together with our friends from indie studios around the world and the awesome indie community, we know that we can do it one step at a time.

Do you really have a direct line to the Rainbow Unicorn? is there something you can tell us?

Erm... the only thing we can tell you right now is that there is no need to grab your tin foil hat.
